The situation of corruption in Vietnam is serious, with expressions and subtle, complex, just blatant, obvious, occurs in many fields, many levels, many industries, there are similarities and different than the situation of corruption in other countries, but the features are universal.
Previously, corruption occurs mainly in the economic field, but today has spread to areas that are considered important as moral education, health, social policy implementation, humanitarian improvement, prevention of disease ...
Corruption occurs within the law enforcement agency, the agency is holding weight level rise, representing justice and social justice, such as police, VKS, Court Cases bar ... investigator, investigator, prosecutor, judge court bribes appeared in many places. Many officials, civil servants and people considered bribing civil servants and public officials taking bribes while handling work is commonplace. Corruption "Classified" and corruption "small, odd," which many people call "harassment" or "cost unofficial" but no major damage, may be only a few tens of thousand each case, but happened so rampant in many places, making people extremely urgent.
Number of corrupt officials and public servants holding positions of low or no leadership, management, such as police officers, tax, doctors, nurses fairly high percentage. While in many other countries, primarily the corrupt politicians, officials and businessmen. Recent years have appeared a number of corruption cases involving foreign elements.
Some precautions corruption formal, low efficiency, especially the declaration of assets and income of officials and public servants (the basic reason is not publicly declare results State assets are not in control of society, inspection and verification to ensure the integrity of the declaration is small); the payroll account; switching positions of public servants and officials.
In addition, a number of anti-corruption measures in many countries around the world implement and evaluate possible but has not been applied in Vietnam (accountability, handle complaints against anonymous, applied engineering special investigations, isolating subjects with signs of corruption to restrict the ability to cope and handle acts of illegal enrichment and handling of legal liability ...).
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Clean water
Water holds a special role in the life and survival of human development. Clean water is life, people, animals and plants will not survive without drinking nuoc.Nuoc safety and hygiene are the decisive factor for poverty reduction and sustainable development.
Water is so important, but now, the world must still face the risk of water shortage and water pollution are serious. Pollution of water resources, lack of clean water increases the risk of intestinal diseases, skin diseases and some diseases khac.Trung average about 1.5 million children die from diarrhea each year . According to WHO estimates that up to now has about 130 million people are faced with the use of contaminated water with arsenic concentrations above the allowed concentration of 10 mg / liter. Therefore, the role of water for life important and necessary than ever.
In many areas and river basins, water can be used several times the total amount of water can be provided, meaning that not only far exceeds the threshold amount of water required to maintain ecological but also no water at place to provide for living and production.
Fresh water is a renewable resource, but the use of these resources must be balanced between stocks and renewable. That was how people should care about, made to survive and develop life-stable, durable.
We also save green forest and water resources of us? We have the ability if we knew each startled, stopped, started again. Now to end all mining activities rampant, destroying the remaining forests. Reforestation, restoration of green for the forests. In order to hundred years later, our children can palm a handful to sip cool water pure, tasty drink stock back on every river, creek. For the life was saved, proliferation, development and longevity.
Water is so important, but now, the world must still face the risk of water shortage and water pollution are serious. Pollution of water resources, lack of clean water increases the risk of intestinal diseases, skin diseases and some diseases khac.Trung average about 1.5 million children die from diarrhea each year . According to WHO estimates that up to now has about 130 million people are faced with the use of contaminated water with arsenic concentrations above the allowed concentration of 10 mg / liter. Therefore, the role of water for life important and necessary than ever.
In many areas and river basins, water can be used several times the total amount of water can be provided, meaning that not only far exceeds the threshold amount of water required to maintain ecological but also no water at place to provide for living and production.
Fresh water is a renewable resource, but the use of these resources must be balanced between stocks and renewable. That was how people should care about, made to survive and develop life-stable, durable.
We also save green forest and water resources of us? We have the ability if we knew each startled, stopped, started again. Now to end all mining activities rampant, destroying the remaining forests. Reforestation, restoration of green for the forests. In order to hundred years later, our children can palm a handful to sip cool water pure, tasty drink stock back on every river, creek. For the life was saved, proliferation, development and longevity.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Science and Technology - Can that be an issue ?
Technology is what human invented, in order to to help people in daily life. For distance, technology is the use of science to serve human needs such as trasportation, communication, etc. Although the benefits of technology nowaday is useful, it also leads to some issues due to the advance of technology.
People in the past, they used to transport on feet, and walking is really help us improve our legs mussle. As can be seen, in the very popular movie "Wall-E" from Pixar, we can see that people there moving by a special transportation, and they're very fat, and cannot stand on their own feet balanced. Imagine one day, you're born with legs, feet, and yoi cannot use it, because of the technology advanced? That's pathetic. People start losing their abilities due to laziness. The more technology developed, the less people improve themselves.
Besides, advanced technology is also being used in create weapon, like nuclear - a very massive bomb, could destroy a city and create. Also, hackers by using advanced computer technology, create virus destroy informations and steal information, like piracy.
So what are the solutions for this issue? The technology is now a big part in our life so we cannot seperate completely, but we can reduce our depend on technology, and using advanced technology in good purpose, for a better life.
People in the past, they used to transport on feet, and walking is really help us improve our legs mussle. As can be seen, in the very popular movie "Wall-E" from Pixar, we can see that people there moving by a special transportation, and they're very fat, and cannot stand on their own feet balanced. Imagine one day, you're born with legs, feet, and yoi cannot use it, because of the technology advanced? That's pathetic. People start losing their abilities due to laziness. The more technology developed, the less people improve themselves.
Besides, advanced technology is also being used in create weapon, like nuclear - a very massive bomb, could destroy a city and create. Also, hackers by using advanced computer technology, create virus destroy informations and steal information, like piracy.
So what are the solutions for this issue? The technology is now a big part in our life so we cannot seperate completely, but we can reduce our depend on technology, and using advanced technology in good purpose, for a better life.
Drugs - Good or Bad ?
As we know before, drug is a thing that doctors give to you when you're sick. Those drug are good drug, which are called medicine. Medicines provide resistance, like vitamin, chemical to suffer from illness.
But not all the drugs are good. There are also some chemical which cause user special effect when using. These drugs may luckily legal in some countries like Canada, but most of countries are illegal, becuase of the toxic and addiction from it. Those drugs are cocaine canabis, LSD, etc. So the question is, why are these drugs illegal? Because they damage human body, like after using Meth for long time, it will destroy your body, your face, will be ruined. Some of them like cocaine, heroin are also addictive, so when people addicted to it, they will completely depend on them and being controlled, and may do anything for it, even kill people, steal things, which is criminal.
But not all the drugs are good. There are also some chemical which cause user special effect when using. These drugs may luckily legal in some countries like Canada, but most of countries are illegal, becuase of the toxic and addiction from it. Those drugs are cocaine canabis, LSD, etc. So the question is, why are these drugs illegal? Because they damage human body, like after using Meth for long time, it will destroy your body, your face, will be ruined. Some of them like cocaine, heroin are also addictive, so when people addicted to it, they will completely depend on them and being controlled, and may do anything for it, even kill people, steal things, which is criminal.
In my opinion, drugs need to be strictly forbidden and people who spread, sell drugs must be in jail. There is no reason for drugs to exist. Soluton for this issue is, for government, I think they must find a way to search all of the area where plant drug and burn those all, in order to stop making more drugs.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Income Inequality
Income Inequality
In the past, ancient time, people live in peace and equality, farming and living day by day. But one day, some people tend to earn more money, and richer than others. That man had more lands, and other farmers farming on his lands, which bring him more and more profit. We call this income inequality.
Life cannot be equal in many ways, and one of them is income. People who have more education, more opportunities in life, of course, will take advantage and more money than others, who have less education. Worker usually have to work up to 12 hours a day to earn enough money for living, but the boss, CEO, earn more than that, even alot, with lower work time.
Personally, I think that life is not fair, and it will never be. There are some people who are more fortunate than others. Since there is no actual cause, no long-term solution works. To solve this problem, we can adjust the cost of education and healthcare:
In the past, ancient time, people live in peace and equality, farming and living day by day. But one day, some people tend to earn more money, and richer than others. That man had more lands, and other farmers farming on his lands, which bring him more and more profit. We call this income inequality.
Life cannot be equal in many ways, and one of them is income. People who have more education, more opportunities in life, of course, will take advantage and more money than others, who have less education. Worker usually have to work up to 12 hours a day to earn enough money for living, but the boss, CEO, earn more than that, even alot, with lower work time.
Personally, I think that life is not fair, and it will never be. There are some people who are more fortunate than others. Since there is no actual cause, no long-term solution works. To solve this problem, we can adjust the cost of education and healthcare:
Letter to Piracy
Date, month, year
Dear the founders of the Pirate Bay
You don't need to know who I am, I'm writing this short letter to let you all you have done is bad.
As I know, you made a web called so that every Internet users can access to and download everything such as musics, games or movies that are not even published yet for free. You might think that what you are doing is right and it's helpful for Internet user, especially some guys who don't have chance to buy those thing. People call you Robin Hood online, who steal products from richer, give the poorer for free, but you also need to know if the richer, people you steal their products, cannot sell their product anymore when those are all on the Internet, for free.They put all of their passion, confidential to make a film, a game or a song. That doesn't cost too much for a song ($0.99). I'm sure that those products owners won't be happy if their products are stolen like that. So in my opinion, I think that you should stop sneaking into the private system, stealing owners' private products and publish it for free. I know you do that for all the people in the Internet. Some people they don't want to pay for downloading games or music but what you are doing is guilty. I know you guys are talent, very good at Information and Technology, but you use your talent in wrong way. I admit some of the time, I have download 1 songs on your website, because they don't sell it in my country, but then I feel so regret and that file content had virus. Anyway, you need to know what you have done is completely wrong and I hope you think about, and stop it. There will be other chance for you to "restart" your career, just stop damaging copyright holder, for a better life.
Dear the founders of the Pirate Bay
You don't need to know who I am, I'm writing this short letter to let you all you have done is bad.
As I know, you made a web called so that every Internet users can access to and download everything such as musics, games or movies that are not even published yet for free. You might think that what you are doing is right and it's helpful for Internet user, especially some guys who don't have chance to buy those thing. People call you Robin Hood online, who steal products from richer, give the poorer for free, but you also need to know if the richer, people you steal their products, cannot sell their product anymore when those are all on the Internet, for free.They put all of their passion, confidential to make a film, a game or a song. That doesn't cost too much for a song ($0.99). I'm sure that those products owners won't be happy if their products are stolen like that. So in my opinion, I think that you should stop sneaking into the private system, stealing owners' private products and publish it for free. I know you do that for all the people in the Internet. Some people they don't want to pay for downloading games or music but what you are doing is guilty. I know you guys are talent, very good at Information and Technology, but you use your talent in wrong way. I admit some of the time, I have download 1 songs on your website, because they don't sell it in my country, but then I feel so regret and that file content had virus. Anyway, you need to know what you have done is completely wrong and I hope you think about, and stop it. There will be other chance for you to "restart" your career, just stop damaging copyright holder, for a better life.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Pirates, in the pass, and so do nowaday, is robbers, who stealing people ships and goods in the sea.
In modern life, when the technology is advanced and and the new kind of pirate is borned. Information thief. They steal copyright product and sell it for lower price, or even upload it on the Internet, for free. This behavior damages the company/people who own that products.
Why piracy soon become an issue ? Let's imagine.. One day, you are a superstar, you sing very well and selling your songs to your fans, your listeners. And someone steal your song, upload it onto the Internet and let others download it for free. Is that worth of what you have done with your song, when you worked hard for that song, and people steal it, sell it or upload it for free and get benefit instead of you. That's not a good thing.
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Pirates |
In modern life, when the technology is advanced and and the new kind of pirate is borned. Information thief. They steal copyright product and sell it for lower price, or even upload it on the Internet, for free. This behavior damages the company/people who own that products.
Stealing information |
Why piracy soon become an issue ? Let's imagine.. One day, you are a superstar, you sing very well and selling your songs to your fans, your listeners. And someone steal your song, upload it onto the Internet and let others download it for free. Is that worth of what you have done with your song, when you worked hard for that song, and people steal it, sell it or upload it for free and get benefit instead of you. That's not a good thing.
Solution for this issue:
- If you think your products is too costly for consumers, so lower the price so that people will happy to purchase your products.
- Create a trial of your product (maybe a free game trial or a trailer of a movie, song teaster, etc), so if someone find it good, they will buy it.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Countries using the Beveridge plan or variations on it include its birthplace Great Britain, Spain, most of Scandinavia and New Zealand. Hong Kong still has its own Beveridge-style health care, because the populace simply refused to give it up when the Chinese took over that former British colony in 1997. Cuba represents the extreme application of the Beveridge approach; it is probably the world's purest example of total government control.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Political Compass
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Political Compass |
As we can see, an image above is a Political Compass. It has a vertical line and a horizontal line which split the area into 4 parts. There are communism at the left and to the right is liberalism, and from top is fascism to bottom is anarchism. The test was not too difficult for me, and the construct of questions were easy to, just to choose whether "Agree" or "Strongly agree", "Disagree" or "Strongly disagree". The result of the test also showed me that I was in authoritarian right.
I think questions are fair and valid. Those questions are focusing on drugs, military, etc and of course those are relative to political. I think that the test was accurate based on my experience and result of that test also similar to my characters. Every questions in this test all gives a hint of how a politician solve a problem. Just by reading question, ones can easily predict what a politician would do in that situation.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
After the Industrial Revolution in 1760, overpopulation soon bacame a big problem of human in the world right now and the world population is expected to reach the number of 12.5 billions in 2050.
There are many reasons for overpopulation, such as decline in the death rate, which means that the ratio of death/birth is not similar, people are born too much without dying. Second is the developed in medical facilitie. In the past, medical was good so when people sicked they often die, but nowaday, with better technology, many people are saved and or course, the death rate will probably decrease. Moreover is overcome poverty and lack of family planning, when family decide to born too much children.

Besides, there are also some helpful solution for this issue:
- Better education
- Improve and Aware of family planning
- Knowledge of sex education.
- Tax Benefit or Concessions.
There are many reasons for overpopulation, such as decline in the death rate, which means that the ratio of death/birth is not similar, people are born too much without dying. Second is the developed in medical facilitie. In the past, medical was good so when people sicked they often die, but nowaday, with better technology, many people are saved and or course, the death rate will probably decrease. Moreover is overcome poverty and lack of family planning, when family decide to born too much children.
Besides, there are also some helpful solution for this issue:
- Better education
- Improve and Aware of family planning
- Knowledge of sex education.
- Tax Benefit or Concessions.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Physiological Need - food, air, water, shelter.
Safety Need - security of body, health, property.
Belonging or love Need - friendship, family, communicate.
Esteem Need - confidence, self-esteem, achievement, respect.
Self-Actualization Need - creativity, problems solving, acceptance.
Physical Nurturing - food, breathing, water, sleep.
Interdependence - dependence
Love intergrity - honesty Autonomy - independence
Celebration and mourning - helping in feeling
Spiritual Communication - religion.

Bases on two hierachy above, I thing they are all have the same points . First, they are both mention about human need in life which are food, breathing, water, sleep, etc. After that, Maslow and Rosenberg are both mentioned about the safety and dependence of human like human rights and protection. Then is the feeling of being loved, connected and be able to communicated with others, this lead to the human need of personal feeling, which also mentioned in both hierachy.

But not all of the hierachies are completely the same. There’re also some differrent points bwtween them. In the Manslow's hierachy, he just only show us about human basical need, those hierachy are simply the basic step of human need and less focusing than the Rosenberg's hierachy, which is more significantly and critical. In fact, point of view in Manslow's hierachy that human not as greedy as in Rosenberg's. For me, I think the Rosenberg’s one is better, it shows us fully about what human actually needs and even more significantly than Maslow.
Physiological Need - food, air, water, shelter.
Safety Need - security of body, health, property.
Belonging or love Need - friendship, family, communicate.
Esteem Need - confidence, self-esteem, achievement, respect.
Self-Actualization Need - creativity, problems solving, acceptance.
Physical Nurturing - food, breathing, water, sleep.
Interdependence - dependence
Love intergrity - honesty Autonomy - independence
Celebration and mourning - helping in feeling
Spiritual Communication - religion.
Bases on two hierachy above, I thing they are all have the same points . First, they are both mention about human need in life which are food, breathing, water, sleep, etc. After that, Maslow and Rosenberg are both mentioned about the safety and dependence of human like human rights and protection. Then is the feeling of being loved, connected and be able to communicated with others, this lead to the human need of personal feeling, which also mentioned in both hierachy.
But not all of the hierachies are completely the same. There’re also some differrent points bwtween them. In the Manslow's hierachy, he just only show us about human basical need, those hierachy are simply the basic step of human need and less focusing than the Rosenberg's hierachy, which is more significantly and critical. In fact, point of view in Manslow's hierachy that human not as greedy as in Rosenberg's. For me, I think the Rosenberg’s one is better, it shows us fully about what human actually needs and even more significantly than Maslow.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
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