Since 1975, the head of state or head of government of the major industrial nations have gathered annually to address important issues related to economics and politics of the country or of the entire international community. At the first summit held in the city of France in May 11/1975 Rambouillet 6 participating countries are France, USA, UK, Germany, Japan and Italy, but then some people called G6. At a summit in San Juan Puerto Rico in 1976 with Canada to participate more, and at a summit in London in 1977 with more representatives to attend the European Community. Since then, the group has seven members and is officially known as the G7 group, although the leaders of the 15 developing countries met the leaders of the G7 Group prior to the Summit Paris summit in 1989 with the purpose of understanding the ability to participate in this group of countries. Then since 1991, initially as the Soviet Union and later known as the Russian Federation has joined the conversation prior to the Summit of the G7 Group. Starting from the Naples Summit in 1994, Russia was invited to participate in all of the Group Summit G7 countries and people called it politics Group 8 (P8). The Denver Summit of P8 has become an important milestone, enabling the Russian Federation to participate in all discussions, except for the discussion of financial and economic issues. Visit the Summit Birmingham in England in 1998, the Russian Federation has participated in all the activities of the conference, and it was officially formed from the G8 group. At the Kananaskis Summit in Canada in 2002, Russia has been appointed as the host of the summit of the G8 group in 2006, marking the completion of the process for the Russian Federation to become member the group of G8.
The summit of the G8 group to discuss common issues of macroeconomic management, international trade, and relations with developing countries. The issues related to relationships East-West economic, energy and terrorism as well as frequent concern of the G8 group. From the original basis, the agenda of the G8 summit has been significantly expanded to the macro-economic issues like jobs and information networks, transnational issues as the environment, crime and drugs, and a range of issues related to security-political as regional security and arms control. Responsibility Summit hosted by performing rotational cycle of the calendar year as follows: France, USA, UK, Russia (2006), Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada. Throughout each year, the personal representative of the leaders of this country group that meets regularly to discuss the agenda for the annual summit and progress monitoring. In addition, the G8 has established a network of support meetings at ministerial level to allow ministers meetings are conducted annually to continue the work outlined in each summit. It is the meeting of finance ministers, foreign ministers, environment ministers and other ministers concerned. The ministers and officials also held the G8 meeting to address unexpected urgent issues such as terrorism, energy, and development. In each phase, the leaders also established a task force or working group to focus on solving the problem is particularly interested in, such as money laundering related to narcotics, nuclear safety and crime transnational organized.
G8 create important opportunities for leaders to discuss international issues and common nature is complex, and establish personal relationships to help them deal effectively with the crisis or sudden shocks. Summit also provides direction for the international community by setting the priorities, identify new issues and guidelines for the new international organization was established. At one point, the summit also adopted the decision to handle urgent issues or generally formed an international order.
The participants in the Summit relative compliance decisions and consensus was made at the annual meeting. Typically, they are particularly compliance agreements in international trade and energy issues, especially the UK, Canada and Germany. The decision of the Summit usually create an international platform to deal with the challenges the new international connections, and to strengthen and reform the existing international ỏganizations. To recognize the central role in the process of global governance, Summit has always attracted thousands of journalists to attend each of the Summit, and some countries are looking to apply for This entry powerful organization. Summit also become a great opportunity for non-governmental organizations and civil society expressed concerns with their frustrations. Annual Meeting of the G8 as well as an opportunity to organize protests against globalization since the Birmingham Summit 1998. The rally took place violence at the Summit Genoa summit in 2001, the result is a participant protesters were killed.
Currently, the G8 Group 2 service centers for the dissemination of information and research his "G8 Information Centre" located in the library of the University of Toronto, Canada, and "ngghien Research Center G8 "is located at the university. All publications of the G8 is in the 9 languages are English, French, Russian, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese.