The significant increase in the negative reviews of the experts for the preparation of fact to deal with challenges such as extreme weather and climate change.Meanwhile, worries about the economic risks like chronic unemployment situation, the lack of jobs or the financial crisis remain the same as last year but undiminished.
According to the infographic, we can see that the energy price shock increases every day and that means that energy is very rarely now. Discharges is the failure of the financial mechanism and failure of critical infrastructure also increases.
In the other hand, the positive part of it is that the financial crisis and unemployment tends to decline gradually. And the question is, economics are as impactful and likely as other crisis ?

Let's have a look on the next graph. At this graph, we can see that there are not many factors in technological risks like others. The critical information and infrastructure breakdown rising slightly also like the cyber attack around the world. This problem is easily showed as the Anonymous, a group of professional hackers who have many attack on popular website, especially website of government, and other social networks. Besides, the data fraud or theft somehow decreased gradually because recently the website called The Pirate Bay had been shut down and its founders were arrested. Is there any technology crime out there, for terrorism purpose, still working on a big project, that e still not know about ? The Pirate Bay is just the beginning ? Is technology development actually improve our daily life ?

For the last graph, the risk have risen since 2014 significantly. The big problem and so the reason for these changes are climate and atmosphere changed. In fact, water crisis is the biggest problem, has been happening in California for 4 and still keep continue till right now. They are running out water due to the drought for long time. Farming because of this, are way more difficult to reduce, and that lead to lacks of food. But positively, the failure of urban planning has drop fast and may be ended in the future. The question for this, will the balance of global economy help solve the economic crisis ?
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