Sunday, March 1, 2015

Domestic Violence

First, violence in any form and leave a negative impact on physical health, mental not only the victim but also other members of the family. These negative effects were additive burden on the national health system. In severe cases (victims and injured children, the crisis was transmitted diseases or HIV, unwanted pregnancies ...), the burden of the national health system is very large . The research conducted in the United States, Nicaragua Nicaragua and Dim-out three-bu-ê showed that the proportion of women domestic violence require medical services is much higher than normal women.

Second, domestic violence against women negatively impact the labor force and thus also affect economic activity. A study of domestic violence across the country perform in Nova Scotia showed that 30% of husbands beating wives to give up work due to physical injury and mental and 50% of they have sick leave for treatment. A study in India is estimated to cases of domestic violence against women, victims to stay at an average of 7 days. Another study conducted in Nicaragua Nicaragua shows the income of women who are victims of domestic violence 46% lower than the income of the average woman. (WHO, Violence Against Women Fachtsheet No. 239).

Third, domestic violence against women constitute a heavy burden on the social welfare system: Domestic violence poses to ask for help and protection of the victims were women and children with social protection systems of the National Assembly. For example, to protect the women and children who are victims of violence in the family, need to build a system of shelter facilities for them .... Because domestic violence is often linked associated with family breakdown; removing children; status of children lack the care and nurture; Children with fetal condition; victims of HIV and other sexual diseases, orphans should be burdened with social protection systems not only in the provision of shelter, but in the long term also includes the construction of rearing establishment, restoration of physical, mental as well as the victims of policies and mechanisms to solve the social problems arising. All pressure on the social security system of the country that usually always in a state already overloaded.

Domestic violence does not only have consequences for the victims but for other family members, especially children. Domestic violence in general, domestic violence against women in particular have a very negative impact on the development of physical, mental, moral and intellectual children. Studies have shown that domestic violence causes children crisis, fear, insomnia, lack of confidence, frustration, mental disorders, depression ... Domestic violence also adversely affect learning outcomes, life skills, social integration, problem solving capacities of children ... .. According to UNICEF, there are about 275 million children are living in domestic violence, must be container exploitation of physical, mental and sexual as well as their parents or guardians. Forms of violence that girls suffer very diverse, including sexual violence. Many studies have shown that as many as 40-60% of cases of sexual abuse took place in the family aimed at victims are girls under 15 years of age. A study in the Netherlands..

In Vietnam, according to a survey in eight provinces of the Union of women in 2008, 23% of respondents have family acts of physical violence; 30% of family violence on sex; 25% of respondents with family violence to the spirit in which women are victims accounted for 97%. Domestic violence impacts and severely affected families - nuclear sustainable society. Domestic violence has many broken families, divorce, separation ... According to the investigation of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies, violence has broken families accounted for 49.7%. Statistics of the Supreme People's Court also shows us the serious consequences of family violence: 1998 55 419 divorce cases, including 28 686 cases of violence, 52%, 1999 52 774 divorce cases in which 29 751 cases of violence, 56%; 2000 51 361 divorce cases, including 32 164 cases of violence, 62%; average of 5 years from 2000 to 2005 there were 352,000 divorces there were 39,730 divorces due to domestic violence (accounting for 53.1%).

Domestic violence in Vietnam also increased the number of children in conflict with the law. Institute statistics show that in 2008 the Supreme KSND 71% juvenile delinquency is due to not being cared for properly. Causes of criminal minors from home: 8% young offenders have divorced parents, 49% complained about the behavior of their parents. According to a survey of 2,209 students Informatics, up to 49.81% of them were treated to live in the harsh, brutal, cruel parents. Some children were released hit 23% (mother hit 6 times); be stepmother, stepfather captured 20.3%.

Domestic violence leave many serious consequences to society and family. The abolition of domestic violence is not the responsibility of anyone that requires the cooperation of all levels and sectors of social and political organizations and countries in the prevention of domestic violence.

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