The emerging in recent decades on issues increased human impacts to the marine ecosystem as a result of pollution of seas and oceans. The spread of pollutants have reached the scale of local, regional and even global. Therefore, pollution of the sea, the ocean and the living world has become an international issue and the most important necessity to protect the marine environment from pollution as required by the rational use of natural resources regulations.
Group link professionals about the scientific aspects of marine pollution, including the Soviet experts, has formed a definition of marine pollution by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (1967) support and the United Nations Conference on environmental issues in Stockholm, Sweden (1972) accepted. Marine pollution is understood as: "All substances or energy by man, directly or indirectly into the marine environment (including estuaries) entail disastrous consequences, such as natural resource damage creature, dangerous to human health, difficult for marine activities (including fishing), degrade the quality and reduce the useful properties of sea water. " The list of contaminants including toxic substances, emissions of hot water (thermal pollution), pathogens, solid waste, suspended solids, nutrients, and several other human impacts.
Today's most urgent problems of chemical pollution of the ocean.
The composition and quantity of pollutants in the ocean
The pollution of the ocean and sea from the following sources:
- Discharge of industrial and manufacturing water directly into the sea or river water with the load;
- The substances used in agriculture and forestry activities from the mainland to go to sea;
- People initiative contaminants buried in the sea;
- Leakage of other substances during ship operation;
- Emissions from incidents from ships or underwater pipelines;
- Extraction of minerals in the seabed;
- Transport of pollutants through the atmosphere.
Group of pollutants found in the ocean are listed in Table 1.1. There are also a lot of organic compounds, waste plants have high levels of BOD, suspended particles, with different road going into the ocean. As seen, the list of pollutants that ocean getting really long. They vary in toxicity and size distribution - from the coastal areas (local) globally.
Oil and oil products
Oil is a liquid lubricant, usually dark gray and is capable of monitoring foreign weak. Oil is mainly composed of hydrogen and saturated fat carbide carbide aromatic hydrogen (from C5 to C70) and contain 80-85% C, 10-14% H, 0.01 to 7% S, 0.01% N and 0-7% O2.
The main components of the hydrogen carbide oil (98%) - were divided into 4 groups.
1) The group of substances paraffin (alkane) - Greek agar (accounting for nearly 90% of the total composition of the oil) and saturated compounds CnH2n + 2 sustainability, its molecules are represented by the linear and branched C. The quality carbon atoms paraffins including methane, ethane, propane and other gases, compounds with 5-17 C atoms are liquid, if a larger number of carbon atoms - is solid. The light quality paraffin capable of maximum evaporation and dissolved in water. The group of substances paraffin ring (Naftene) - cyclic compounds CnH2n saturated with 5-6 carbon atoms in a ring (accounting for 30-60% of the total composition of the oil). The two carbon atoms in the molecule can be replaced by the group Alkin - CH2, C2H5, and other groups. Also pentane and hecxan round, the remaining oil that meets both within and polycyclic naften. These compounds are very stable and less subject to biodegradation. The group of aromatic substances hydrogen carbide (20-40% of the total oil composition) - compounds with unsaturated ring structure of benzene sequence, containing less than 6 carbon atoms in a ring than naftene respectively. The carbon atoms in these compounds may also be replaced by the group alkin. In the presence of petroleum compounds with molecules evaporate as single ring (benzene, toluol, ksilol), then double ring (naphtalin), three (antrapen, fenantren) and ring (eg, piren 4 ring).
Group olephin (Alken) (accounting for 10% of the oil) - compounds not unsaturated cycle with one or two hydrogen atoms next to each carbon atom in the molecule, there is a straight chain or branched vein . Depending on the location of mines, oil is very different in composition. For example, in Pensilvania, Caldas and oil in Kuwait is classified as group paraffin oil, oil in Baku and California - naften group, other oils - from the intermediate group. In the presence of petroleum compounds containing sulfur (up to 7% S), fatty acids (up to 5% O), nitrogen (N 1%) and a number of secondary products containing organometallic ( with vanadium, cobalt, nickel) Quantitative analysis and identification of oil products in the sea is a difficult task not only because they are multi-component and differences in survival mode, but also as a result of natural background of the hydrogen carbide derived natural and biological origin. For example, nearly 90% of low-molecular hydrogen carbide like Ethylene dissolved in ocean surface waters related to the metabolic activity of organisms and their decomposition. However, in areas contaminated sharp carbide concentration of hydrogen was increased to similar levels 4-5.
According to the empirical survey data, the origin of biological hydrogen carbide and petroleum with a range of differences. Oil is a complex mixture of hydrogen carbide band structure and molecular weight is relatively larger. Oil contains a range of peers, in which the components are usually adjacent to a concentration equal. For example, in the range alkanes C12 - C22 ratio between the even and odd components in a while, hydrogen carbide biological origin in the same sequence contains mainly the retail component. Oil contains a wide range of hydrogen carbide alkanes and aromatic ring. Many compounds such as mono-, di- and tri- and tetra-methylbenzen not found in marine organisms.
Oil contains many of the aromatic hydrogen carbide naften, many different types of compounds (in the composition of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, metal ions), the asphalt heavy plastic substances - all of them practically no in marine organisms.
To date, the total amount of radioactive man brought into the ocean not exceed 5,5.1019 Bk, still not much compared to natural (18,5.1021 Bk). However, the concentration and uneven distribution of radioactive substances created danger of contaminated water and aquatic life in some particular areas of the ocean.
Group link professionals about the scientific aspects of marine pollution, including the Soviet experts, has formed a definition of marine pollution by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (1967) support and the United Nations Conference on environmental issues in Stockholm, Sweden (1972) accepted. Marine pollution is understood as: "All substances or energy by man, directly or indirectly into the marine environment (including estuaries) entail disastrous consequences, such as natural resource damage creature, dangerous to human health, difficult for marine activities (including fishing), degrade the quality and reduce the useful properties of sea water. " The list of contaminants including toxic substances, emissions of hot water (thermal pollution), pathogens, solid waste, suspended solids, nutrients, and several other human impacts.
Today's most urgent problems of chemical pollution of the ocean.
The composition and quantity of pollutants in the ocean
The pollution of the ocean and sea from the following sources:
- Discharge of industrial and manufacturing water directly into the sea or river water with the load;
- The substances used in agriculture and forestry activities from the mainland to go to sea;
- People initiative contaminants buried in the sea;
- Leakage of other substances during ship operation;
- Emissions from incidents from ships or underwater pipelines;
- Extraction of minerals in the seabed;
- Transport of pollutants through the atmosphere.
Group of pollutants found in the ocean are listed in Table 1.1. There are also a lot of organic compounds, waste plants have high levels of BOD, suspended particles, with different road going into the ocean. As seen, the list of pollutants that ocean getting really long. They vary in toxicity and size distribution - from the coastal areas (local) globally.
Oil and oil products
Oil is a liquid lubricant, usually dark gray and is capable of monitoring foreign weak. Oil is mainly composed of hydrogen and saturated fat carbide carbide aromatic hydrogen (from C5 to C70) and contain 80-85% C, 10-14% H, 0.01 to 7% S, 0.01% N and 0-7% O2.
The main components of the hydrogen carbide oil (98%) - were divided into 4 groups.
1) The group of substances paraffin (alkane) - Greek agar (accounting for nearly 90% of the total composition of the oil) and saturated compounds CnH2n + 2 sustainability, its molecules are represented by the linear and branched C. The quality carbon atoms paraffins including methane, ethane, propane and other gases, compounds with 5-17 C atoms are liquid, if a larger number of carbon atoms - is solid. The light quality paraffin capable of maximum evaporation and dissolved in water. The group of substances paraffin ring (Naftene) - cyclic compounds CnH2n saturated with 5-6 carbon atoms in a ring (accounting for 30-60% of the total composition of the oil). The two carbon atoms in the molecule can be replaced by the group Alkin - CH2, C2H5, and other groups. Also pentane and hecxan round, the remaining oil that meets both within and polycyclic naften. These compounds are very stable and less subject to biodegradation. The group of aromatic substances hydrogen carbide (20-40% of the total oil composition) - compounds with unsaturated ring structure of benzene sequence, containing less than 6 carbon atoms in a ring than naftene respectively. The carbon atoms in these compounds may also be replaced by the group alkin. In the presence of petroleum compounds with molecules evaporate as single ring (benzene, toluol, ksilol), then double ring (naphtalin), three (antrapen, fenantren) and ring (eg, piren 4 ring).
Group olephin (Alken) (accounting for 10% of the oil) - compounds not unsaturated cycle with one or two hydrogen atoms next to each carbon atom in the molecule, there is a straight chain or branched vein . Depending on the location of mines, oil is very different in composition. For example, in Pensilvania, Caldas and oil in Kuwait is classified as group paraffin oil, oil in Baku and California - naften group, other oils - from the intermediate group. In the presence of petroleum compounds containing sulfur (up to 7% S), fatty acids (up to 5% O), nitrogen (N 1%) and a number of secondary products containing organometallic ( with vanadium, cobalt, nickel) Quantitative analysis and identification of oil products in the sea is a difficult task not only because they are multi-component and differences in survival mode, but also as a result of natural background of the hydrogen carbide derived natural and biological origin. For example, nearly 90% of low-molecular hydrogen carbide like Ethylene dissolved in ocean surface waters related to the metabolic activity of organisms and their decomposition. However, in areas contaminated sharp carbide concentration of hydrogen was increased to similar levels 4-5.
According to the empirical survey data, the origin of biological hydrogen carbide and petroleum with a range of differences. Oil is a complex mixture of hydrogen carbide band structure and molecular weight is relatively larger. Oil contains a range of peers, in which the components are usually adjacent to a concentration equal. For example, in the range alkanes C12 - C22 ratio between the even and odd components in a while, hydrogen carbide biological origin in the same sequence contains mainly the retail component. Oil contains a wide range of hydrogen carbide alkanes and aromatic ring. Many compounds such as mono-, di- and tri- and tetra-methylbenzen not found in marine organisms.
Oil contains many of the aromatic hydrogen carbide naften, many different types of compounds (in the composition of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, metal ions), the asphalt heavy plastic substances - all of them practically no in marine organisms.
To date, the total amount of radioactive man brought into the ocean not exceed 5,5.1019 Bk, still not much compared to natural (18,5.1021 Bk). However, the concentration and uneven distribution of radioactive substances created danger of contaminated water and aquatic life in some particular areas of the ocean.
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