Sunday, June 7, 2015

Global Risk 2

"Underlying social fragility is also the accelerating pace of change, growing complexity and the deepening extent of global interdependence, which together reduce people’s feeling of control over their immediate environment and hence their sense of stability and security."
"Rising structural unemployment drives both inequality and social pressures. Lower economic growth and technological change are likely to keep unemployment high in the future, also in developing countries."
"The effects associated with climate change will put further pressure on societies. "
Why we keeping changing the technology when unemployment keepiong rising higher and higher. Why don't we just focus to solve that main problems about economy an job instead of develop the technology ?

"Geopolitical risks can have cascading impacts on other risks. As state structures are challenged by conflict, the risk of the failure of national governance and state collapse or crisis can increase in areas where current state boundaries do not necessarily reflect popular self-identification."
"A recent example is Iraq and Syria, where ISIS has claimed control of territory and attracted 20,000 to 30,000 fighters from a near standing start."
What is the reason for funding in upgrade weapon with massive destruction ? Weapon is for defense or war ?

"The global unemployment rate is expected to remain at current levels until 2018"
"The risks of a failure of a major financial mechanism of institutions and fiscal crises are perceived as equally impactful and likely as in last year’s report, yet other risks, such as water crises, interstate conflict and the failure of climate-change adaptation, have taken centre stage."
Is limitation of money debt in specific country can solve this problem, while there are many country have high debt like Greece or China still not able to pay, and we are running our of money ?

"Both water crises and failure of climate-change adaptation are also perceived as more likely and impactful than average. Global water requirements are projected to be pushed beyond sustainable water supplies by 40% by 2030."
"The nexus of food, water, energy and climate change has been identified by the US National Intelligence Council as one of four overarching mega trends that will shape the world in 2030."
We know that overfishing, deforestation and other ecosystems destructions are harmful to the environment, such as biodiversity loss and climate change, so why don't we stop that when there are already have the solution ?

"While the “Internet of Things” (IoT) will deliver innovations, it will also entail new risks. Analytics on large and disparate data sources can drive breakthrough insights but also raise questions about expectations of privacy and the fair and appropriate use of data about individuals."
"An important characteristic of global risks, which transpires across the cases included in this report, is their interconnectedness, shown in the Interconnections Map"
Nowaday, the technology has improved to the really high level of development, development is good, but will keep developing technology will solve all the problems, or gradually changing and replacing human, and increase unemployment ?

Friday, June 5, 2015

Global Risk

The significant increase in the negative reviews of the experts for the preparation of fact to deal with challenges such as extreme weather and climate change.Meanwhile, worries about the economic risks like chronic unemployment situation, the lack of jobs or the financial crisis remain the same as last year but undiminished. 

According to the infographic, we can see that the energy price shock increases every day and that means that energy is very rarely now. Discharges is the failure of the financial mechanism and failure of critical infrastructure also increases.
In the other hand, the positive part of it is that the financial crisis and unemployment tends to decline gradually. And the question is, economics are as impactful and likely as other crisis ?

Let's have a look on the next graph. At this graph, we can see that there are not many factors in technological risks like others. The critical information and infrastructure breakdown rising slightly also like the cyber attack around the world. This problem is easily showed as the Anonymous, a group of professional hackers who have many attack on popular website, especially website of government, and other social networks. Besides, the data fraud or theft somehow decreased gradually because recently the website called The Pirate Bay had been shut down and its founders were arrested. Is there any technology crime out there, for terrorism purpose, still working on a big project, that e still not know about ? The Pirate Bay is just the beginning ? Is technology development actually improve our daily life ?

For the last graph, the risk have risen since 2014 significantly. The big problem and so the reason for these changes are climate and atmosphere changed. In fact, water crisis is the biggest problem, has been happening in California for 4 and still keep continue till right now. They are running out water due to the drought for long time. Farming because of this, are way more difficult to reduce, and that lead to lacks of food. But positively, the failure of urban planning has drop fast and may be ended in the future. The question for this, will the balance of global economy help solve the economic crisis ? 

Friday, May 22, 2015


One of the biggest problems that the world faces today is the problem of environmental pollution, are increasing every year and cause serious damage to the environment and can not overcome on Earth . Environmental pollution including contamination 5 basic categories as follows: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light.

Air pollution is considered to be the form most toxic pollution to the environment. The cause of air pollution is caused by toxic gases emitted from cars, buses, trucks, trains and factories, namely sulfur dioxide by carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides . Even the smoke from burning leaves or tobacco smoke also cause adverse impacts on the environment, causing damage to people and the atmosphere. Evidence of an increase in air pollution are shown in diseases such as lung cancer, asthma, allergies and other respiratory problems, along with the serious injury and can not be overcome for fauna animals and plants. Even the most natural phenomenon of migratory birds also hampered because of environmental pollution has prevented them come with their seasonal destination.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) released from refrigerators, air conditioners, deodorants and insecticides have caused serious damage to the environment. This gas was slowly destroying the atmosphere, causing ozone and lead to global warming.

Environmental pollution occurs when water industrial waste being discharged directly into rivers, lakes and other water environment for marine environment did not even "friendly" as before. Humans pollute water sources with the amount of waste decomposition scale, flowers, ash and other wastes in the family. In many rural areas, we still see a lot of people bathing and cooking with the water, causing the water quality becomes extremely bad. Acid rain also contributes to the pollution of water sources. Besides, thermal pollution and the depletion of dissolved oxygen makes water pollution serious inherently more hazardous than this. Water pollution can also indirectly cause soil pollution through runoff and groundwater seepage.

Noise pollution, soil pollution and light pollution are destroying the environment at an alarming rate. Noise pollution including aircraft noise, the noise of cars bus vans, sirens, loudspeakers and industrial noise as well as the effect of high-intensity sound waves very dangerous for contaminated environments, The maximum noise occurs due to one of the inventions of science, modern motor vehicles, responsible for 90% of all unwanted noise worldwide.

Soil contamination as a result of acid rain, polluted water, chemical fertilizers and so lead to crop failures. Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are discharged or leaking underground storage tanks create heavy pollutants in soil. These chemicals include hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Light pollution include unwanted illumination, large lighting intensity and astronomy activities.

Environmental pollution can completely be prevented!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Nowadays, worldwide seems to be characterised by fragment and distraction. The borders between countries, cultures, hopes, and beliefs. We live in a world that is so much better than the world of thousand years ago, the development of technologies, policies, attitudes, etc ... has changed our life. But not every evolution are better, sometimes we have to deal with things we changed...

What are the benefits we have in this generation of 21st century ? Better healthcare, many kinds of medicines and cure, better chance to survive and recover from sick. Million of life was saved every year. Moreover, transportation, communication, are ways more convenient than they were in the past. But the real problem is, the more we develop, the more things we have to think of and also the more problems appeared. Thousands of years ago, there was no car, no electricity, so we don't need to worry about them. Our ancestors were living days by days farming. Easy life. But now, we created our own worry, our own issues, we care for things around us, what we gonna eat tonight, tomorrow, how much money we get this month, enough for paying bills, etc. Many questions coming up in our brains. We can't stop thinking to other things when doing the different things. 


Thursday, April 23, 2015


Biodiversity is a term expressing the diversity of living organisms, species and populations, the genetic variations between them and all the complexities of gathering them into the biomes and ecosystems. Biodiversity is expressed in three levels: genetic diversity, diversity of species and the diversity of ecosystems.

While genetic diversity is given as the difference between the genetic characteristics of the origin, the populations and between the individuals of a species or a population the species diversity of rich extent only on the number of species or species on Earth, in one side, in a country or in a particular scene.About the ecosystem diversity present, yet have a definition and classification for the global level. Diverse ecosystems are typically reviews through the diversity of the species; It may include an evaluation of the relative abundance of the various species, as well as the diversity of species.
The value of biodiversity is extremely large and can be divided into two types of values: values direct and indirect value. Direct economic value of biological diversity is the value of the products that are direct human exploitation and use for the needs of his life; indirect value also includes the ones that humans could not sell, the benefits of which include the quantity and quality of water, soil protection, regeneration, education, scientific research, climate and provide the means for the future of human society.
However, due to various causes, biodiversity, the most valuable resource, a very large role for nature and human life are seriously degraded. Inevitable consequences resulting will reduced. the functions of the ecosystem such as regulate water, prevent erosion, waste assimilation, clean the environment,ensuring the circulation of matter and energy in nature, to minimize natural disasters/extreme consequences on climate. Finally, the economic system will be reduced by the loss of the value of natural resources, environment.
There are 2 main cause groups cause the degradation of biodiversity, which is due to the adverse impacts of natural and human, in that the human influence caused particularly severe from the mid-19th century to the present and mostly do change and degradation extensive landscaping and that has pushed the species and biome in genocide. People destroying, dividing degrade born landscape, exploitation of species for your needs, introduced foreign species and increasing disease is also important causes degrade the biological diversity.

Group of Seven

Since 1975, the head of state or head of government of the major industrial nations have gathered annually to address important issues related to economics and politics of the country or of the entire international community. At the first summit held in the city of France in May 11/1975 Rambouillet 6 participating countries are France, USA, UK, Germany, Japan and Italy, but then some people called G6. At a summit in San Juan Puerto Rico in 1976 with Canada to participate more, and at a summit in London in 1977 with more representatives to attend the European Community. Since then, the group has seven members and is officially known as the G7 group, although the leaders of the 15 developing countries met the leaders of the G7 Group prior to the Summit Paris summit in 1989 with the purpose of understanding the ability to participate in this group of countries. Then since 1991, initially as the Soviet Union and later known as the Russian Federation has joined the conversation prior to the Summit of the G7 Group. Starting from the Naples Summit in 1994, Russia was invited to participate in all of the Group Summit G7 countries and people called it politics Group 8 (P8). The Denver Summit of P8 has become an important milestone, enabling the Russian Federation to participate in all discussions, except for the discussion of financial and economic issues. Visit the Summit Birmingham in England in 1998, the Russian Federation has participated in all the activities of the conference, and it was officially formed from the G8 group. At the Kananaskis Summit in Canada in 2002, Russia has been appointed as the host of the summit of the G8 group in 2006, marking the completion of the process for the Russian Federation to become member the group of G8.


The summit of the G8 group to discuss common issues of macroeconomic management, international trade, and relations with developing countries. The issues related to relationships East-West economic, energy and terrorism as well as frequent concern of the G8 group. From the original basis, the agenda of the G8 summit has been significantly expanded to the macro-economic issues like jobs and information networks, transnational issues as the environment, crime and drugs, and a range of issues related to security-political as regional security and arms control. Responsibility Summit hosted by performing rotational cycle of the calendar year as follows: France, USA, UK, Russia (2006), Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada. Throughout each year, the personal representative of the leaders of this country group that meets regularly to discuss the agenda for the annual summit and progress monitoring. In addition, the G8 has established a network of support meetings at ministerial level to allow ministers meetings are conducted annually to continue the work outlined in each summit. It is the meeting of finance ministers, foreign ministers, environment ministers and other ministers concerned. The ministers and officials also held the G8 meeting to address unexpected urgent issues such as terrorism, energy, and development. In each phase, the leaders also established a task force or working group to focus on solving the problem is particularly interested in, such as money laundering related to narcotics, nuclear safety and crime transnational organized.


G8 create important opportunities for leaders to discuss international issues and common nature is complex, and establish personal relationships to help them deal effectively with the crisis or sudden shocks. Summit also provides direction for the international community by setting the priorities, identify new issues and guidelines for the new international organization was established. At one point, the summit also adopted the decision to handle urgent issues or generally formed an international order.
The participants in the Summit relative compliance decisions and consensus was made at the annual meeting. Typically, they are particularly compliance agreements in international trade and energy issues, especially the UK, Canada and Germany. The decision of the Summit usually create an international platform to deal with the challenges the new international connections, and to strengthen and reform the existing international ỏganizations. To recognize the central role in the process of global governance, Summit has always attracted thousands of journalists to attend each of the Summit, and some countries are looking to apply for This entry powerful organization. Summit also become a great opportunity for non-governmental organizations and civil society expressed concerns with their frustrations. Annual Meeting of the G8 as well as an opportunity to organize protests against globalization since the Birmingham Summit 1998. The rally took place violence at the Summit Genoa summit in 2001, the result is a participant protesters were killed.


Currently, the G8 Group 2 service centers for the dissemination of information and research his "G8 Information Centre" located in the library of the University of Toronto, Canada, and "ngghien Research Center G8 "is located at the university. All publications of the G8 is in the 9 languages are English, French, Russian, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Atomic Energy

                 All nuclear power plants are converted uranium ore into nuclear waste with high radioactivity through the process of disintegration of nuclei. Do emit radiation, nuclear waste is a threat to human life. Therefore, it should be kept separate from the certainty of human and animal and plant hundreds of thousand years. The nuclear power plant in operation since 50 years now, but so far no one knows how to store nuclear waste sure. The world is not to be tm sure how to destroy nuclear waste with high radioactivity from nuclear power plants. Only a short time using atomic energy, has left a heavy burden of nuclear waste in a long time close to the earth's history. If from the primitive humans have nuclear power plants, th to this day we still have to monitor the nuclear waste from that era.


The national development, proving atomic bomb in the early decades have a civilian nuclear program. However, the civilian nuclear programs are often just a disguise for military targets. The program opens in the country access to the technology and knowledge needed for making atomic bombs. This shows: The export and continue to expand nuclear technology significantly increases the hazard running production of nuclear weapons.


                   About Atomic Admittedly, one can not replace coal, oil and gas in the nuclear power plant. To replace only 10% of fossil energy in nuclear power by 2050, they will have to build 1000 new nuclear power plants (currently the world's 440 nuclear power plants). The building constructions - the property in case it is possible to build - will last for decades. Reserves will rapidly depleted uranium. Even the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) can not be admitted rapidly expanding nuclear power to limit the atmospheric changes. We have another solution to this problem: Overview of different energy in the world indicates that atmospheric problems are solved through renewable energy sources combined with the technical use of energy saving and efficiency.


             Atomic energy is a capital intensive industry - renewable energy is a labor-intensive industries. For example in Germany: In 2002, about 30,000 people work in the nuclear industry. Meanwhile, alone in the field of energy through wind has more than 53000 workers. Renewable energy industry in general has secured employment for 120,000 people, although the contribution of this sector to provide low energy longer. The continued expansion and development of renewable energy each day will create many new jobs. In the next few years, the expansion of the renewable energy sector could create millions of new jobs across the world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Clean Water

Clean water is the water we use in our everyday activities, and must not be polluted or poisoned.

Water accounts for three quarters of the earth and is a valuable resource for human life. 70% of the Earth is covered by water, but only 2.5% of the world's fresh water, while 97.5% is oceans. Of these, 0.3% of the world's fresh water in rivers and lakes; 30% is ground water, the rest is on the glaciers, icebergs. 70% of the world's water is used for agriculture, 22% for industry and 8% for life.

According to estimates, the average person in the developing countries using 500-800 liters / day, compared with 60-150 liters / person / day in the developing countries. Currently, the major cities, especially at Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, where many people still create lacks of clean water. Groundwater resources are being exploited can not control. The drilling of wells for groundwater occurs widespread, not only causing loss and waste also run the risk of water pollution.

Recently opened at the Singapore International Water Week. The message is: to keep the water clean, even inspiring every drop of water; to recycle dirty water into clean water to drain life, save the environment. According now here in Vietnam, water is very cheap. While in many other countries, the price of clean water to 10 times more expensive than Vietnam. Water loss rate in Singapore is only about 1% in Vietnam is still more than 10%, even higher. Our country has the "thirsty land" to the extreme as the Plateau of Ha Giang, running water shortages of electricity, the dry season crop that has been rated as wasteful water usage see our country so much things to the table. Mekong Delta (MRD) is the area with abundant water resources. However, concern is the recent years, more and more water is polluted with more severity, risk of water shortage already exists.

With regard to human life. Water has a very special role. The human body can survive for a month of longer without food but just 1 week without water in 3-5 day. As we know, 70% of our body is water, the water in our body's red blood flowing in each person. Can you try to imagine without the bloodstream see this man live data is not ??? Just one example is simple enough for us to see the importance of water. Course is a necessary job of every person we are to appreciate the precious water that nature has endowed us with all of you. Without water, every living human being affected cause sickness.
The situation today is the lack of clean water is a global problem alarm. Given the importance of water resources in the construction and economic development, the State should have a strategy to exploit and use of water resources in a reasonable manner, ensuring the ecological balance and environmental balance . Set the position and role of water resources is also important, in need of protection, exploitation and rational use of resources such as the rest of the country, even as coal resources.

Use water that is reasonably necessary. If we waste water, then someday we'll run out of it and soon we will feel regret and want to go back to earlier times as much as we can to take back the water to use. As far as I know now invading sea water to fresh water sharply to someday we'll all go home? You've thought about this yet? Remember that water is very important to us and if you make it not lost its noble values. Besides promoting propaganda, to the lowest Limit drilling freedom, rampant. This drilling will not only make the exploitation of groundwater resources through which water and dirt under the drilling pollute the groundwater.

Ground water pollution is a fresh water ecosystem out of balance, loss of a clean water supply reliability for life. It is reasonable to experts suggest that, first of all acutely aware of the importance of water resources, consciously protect water resources and the responsible person can deny the project pollute water, even though the project has brought huge economic resources. Refusing to today's inexpensive and preserve for posterity.

So let us protect your bloodstream. Please keep water pure truth not only for our generation but for generations to come sau.Hay because of human existence, because our planet forever green and full of life you offline . The responsibility of each person to save la precious water that nature gave us.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Gender Equality

Ocean Ecology

The emerging in recent decades on issues increased human impacts to the marine ecosystem as a result of pollution of seas and oceans. The spread of pollutants have reached the scale of local, regional and even global. Therefore, pollution of the sea, the ocean and the living world has become an international issue and the most important necessity to protect the marine environment from pollution as required by the rational use of natural resources regulations.

Group link professionals about the scientific aspects of marine pollution, including the Soviet experts, has formed a definition of marine pollution by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (1967) support and the United Nations Conference on environmental issues in Stockholm, Sweden (1972) accepted. Marine pollution is understood as: "All substances or energy by man, directly or indirectly into the marine environment (including estuaries) entail disastrous consequences, such as natural resource damage creature, dangerous to human health, difficult for marine activities (including fishing), degrade the quality and reduce the useful properties of sea water. " The list of contaminants including toxic substances, emissions of hot water (thermal pollution), pathogens, solid waste, suspended solids, nutrients, and several other human impacts.

Today's most urgent problems of chemical pollution of the ocean.
The composition and quantity of pollutants in the ocean

The pollution of the ocean and sea from the following sources:

- Discharge of industrial and manufacturing water directly into the sea or river water with the load;

- The substances used in agriculture and forestry activities from the mainland to go to sea;

- People initiative contaminants buried in the sea;

- Leakage of other substances during ship operation;

- Emissions from incidents from ships or underwater pipelines;

- Extraction of minerals in the seabed;

- Transport of pollutants through the atmosphere.

Group of pollutants found in the ocean are listed in Table 1.1. There are also a lot of organic compounds, waste plants have high levels of BOD, suspended particles, with different road going into the ocean. As seen, the list of pollutants that ocean getting really long. They vary in toxicity and size distribution - from the coastal areas (local) globally.
Oil and oil products

Oil is a liquid lubricant, usually dark gray and is capable of monitoring foreign weak. Oil is mainly composed of hydrogen and saturated fat carbide carbide aromatic hydrogen (from C5 to C70) and contain 80-85% C, 10-14% H, 0.01 to 7% S, 0.01% N and 0-7% O2.

The main components of the hydrogen carbide oil (98%) - were divided into 4 groups.

1) The group of substances paraffin (alkane) - Greek agar (accounting for nearly 90% of the total composition of the oil) and saturated compounds CnH2n + 2 sustainability, its molecules are represented by the linear and branched C. The quality carbon atoms paraffins including methane, ethane, propane and other gases, compounds with 5-17 C atoms are liquid, if a larger number of carbon atoms - is solid. The light quality paraffin capable of maximum evaporation and dissolved in water. The group of substances paraffin ring (Naftene) - cyclic compounds CnH2n saturated with 5-6 carbon atoms in a ring (accounting for 30-60% of the total composition of the oil). The two carbon atoms in the molecule can be replaced by the group Alkin - CH2, C2H5, and other groups. Also pentane and hecxan round, the remaining oil that meets both within and polycyclic naften. These compounds are very stable and less subject to biodegradation.  The group of aromatic substances hydrogen carbide (20-40% of the total oil composition) - compounds with unsaturated ring structure of benzene sequence, containing less than 6 carbon atoms in a ring than naftene respectively. The carbon atoms in these compounds may also be replaced by the group alkin. In the presence of petroleum compounds with molecules evaporate as single ring (benzene, toluol, ksilol), then double ring (naphtalin), three (antrapen, fenantren) and ring (eg, piren 4 ring).

Group olephin (Alken) (accounting for 10% of the oil) - compounds not unsaturated cycle with one or two hydrogen atoms next to each carbon atom in the molecule, there is a straight chain or branched vein . Depending on the location of mines, oil is very different in composition. For example, in Pensilvania, Caldas and oil in Kuwait is classified as group paraffin oil, oil in Baku and California - naften group, other oils - from the intermediate group. In the presence of petroleum compounds containing sulfur (up to 7% S), fatty acids (up to 5% O), nitrogen (N 1%) and a number of secondary products containing organometallic ( with vanadium, cobalt, nickel) Quantitative analysis and identification of oil products in the sea is a difficult task not only because they are multi-component and differences in survival mode, but also as a result of natural background of the hydrogen carbide derived natural and biological origin. For example, nearly 90% of low-molecular hydrogen carbide like Ethylene dissolved in ocean surface waters related to the metabolic activity of organisms and their decomposition. However, in areas contaminated sharp carbide concentration of hydrogen was increased to similar levels 4-5.

According to the empirical survey data, the origin of biological hydrogen carbide and petroleum with a range of differences. Oil is a complex mixture of hydrogen carbide band structure and molecular weight is relatively larger. Oil contains a range of peers, in which the components are usually adjacent to a concentration equal. For example, in the range alkanes C12 - C22 ratio between the even and odd components in a while, hydrogen carbide biological origin in the same sequence contains mainly the retail component. Oil contains a wide range of hydrogen carbide alkanes and aromatic ring. Many compounds such as mono-, di- and tri- and tetra-methylbenzen not found in marine organisms.
 Oil contains many of the aromatic hydrogen carbide naften, many different types of compounds (in the composition of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, metal ions), the asphalt heavy plastic substances - all of them practically no in marine organisms.
To date, the total amount of radioactive man brought into the ocean not exceed 5,5.1019 Bk, still not much compared to natural (18,5.1021 Bk). However, the concentration and uneven distribution of radioactive substances created danger of contaminated water and aquatic life in some particular areas of the ocean.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Smoking is like a cocktail absorb toxic cyanide and arsenic in the body, causing damage to the horrors smokers. UK Department of Health has published a video of the terrifying impact of smoking on the human body, in order to encourage people to put an end to this harmful habit.

The video opens with the scene a man standing outside smoking. Then there are illustrations of how the smoke he inhaled into the lungs enters the stars, before absorbed into the blood vessels, the heart and eventually reach the brain. In the process of "attacks" throughout the body, cigarette smoke makes the body parts damaged quickly. Dame Sally Davies Professor, leading health authorities in the UK, added: "We all know about the serious effects of smoking on the heart and lungs, but smokers need to know about the the potential destruction of the brain and other vital organs in the body as toxins in tobacco enters the blood. Every time you smoke, blood contamination, filled with toxins will flow through your body within seconds, increasing the risk of stroke or heart attack. Smoking is the major cause of premature death, with half of smokers die young because of diseases related to smoking. What is particularly disturbing is that people still underestimate the harm associated with tobacco use. 

According to experts, within 5 years after stopping smoking, your risk of stroke can be reduced to the equivalent of lifelong non-smokers.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Domestic Violence

First, violence in any form and leave a negative impact on physical health, mental not only the victim but also other members of the family. These negative effects were additive burden on the national health system. In severe cases (victims and injured children, the crisis was transmitted diseases or HIV, unwanted pregnancies ...), the burden of the national health system is very large . The research conducted in the United States, Nicaragua Nicaragua and Dim-out three-bu-ê showed that the proportion of women domestic violence require medical services is much higher than normal women.

Second, domestic violence against women negatively impact the labor force and thus also affect economic activity. A study of domestic violence across the country perform in Nova Scotia showed that 30% of husbands beating wives to give up work due to physical injury and mental and 50% of they have sick leave for treatment. A study in India is estimated to cases of domestic violence against women, victims to stay at an average of 7 days. Another study conducted in Nicaragua Nicaragua shows the income of women who are victims of domestic violence 46% lower than the income of the average woman. (WHO, Violence Against Women Fachtsheet No. 239).

Third, domestic violence against women constitute a heavy burden on the social welfare system: Domestic violence poses to ask for help and protection of the victims were women and children with social protection systems of the National Assembly. For example, to protect the women and children who are victims of violence in the family, need to build a system of shelter facilities for them .... Because domestic violence is often linked associated with family breakdown; removing children; status of children lack the care and nurture; Children with fetal condition; victims of HIV and other sexual diseases, orphans should be burdened with social protection systems not only in the provision of shelter, but in the long term also includes the construction of rearing establishment, restoration of physical, mental as well as the victims of policies and mechanisms to solve the social problems arising. All pressure on the social security system of the country that usually always in a state already overloaded.

Domestic violence does not only have consequences for the victims but for other family members, especially children. Domestic violence in general, domestic violence against women in particular have a very negative impact on the development of physical, mental, moral and intellectual children. Studies have shown that domestic violence causes children crisis, fear, insomnia, lack of confidence, frustration, mental disorders, depression ... Domestic violence also adversely affect learning outcomes, life skills, social integration, problem solving capacities of children ... .. According to UNICEF, there are about 275 million children are living in domestic violence, must be container exploitation of physical, mental and sexual as well as their parents or guardians. Forms of violence that girls suffer very diverse, including sexual violence. Many studies have shown that as many as 40-60% of cases of sexual abuse took place in the family aimed at victims are girls under 15 years of age. A study in the Netherlands..

In Vietnam, according to a survey in eight provinces of the Union of women in 2008, 23% of respondents have family acts of physical violence; 30% of family violence on sex; 25% of respondents with family violence to the spirit in which women are victims accounted for 97%. Domestic violence impacts and severely affected families - nuclear sustainable society. Domestic violence has many broken families, divorce, separation ... According to the investigation of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies, violence has broken families accounted for 49.7%. Statistics of the Supreme People's Court also shows us the serious consequences of family violence: 1998 55 419 divorce cases, including 28 686 cases of violence, 52%, 1999 52 774 divorce cases in which 29 751 cases of violence, 56%; 2000 51 361 divorce cases, including 32 164 cases of violence, 62%; average of 5 years from 2000 to 2005 there were 352,000 divorces there were 39,730 divorces due to domestic violence (accounting for 53.1%).

Domestic violence in Vietnam also increased the number of children in conflict with the law. Institute statistics show that in 2008 the Supreme KSND 71% juvenile delinquency is due to not being cared for properly. Causes of criminal minors from home: 8% young offenders have divorced parents, 49% complained about the behavior of their parents. According to a survey of 2,209 students Informatics, up to 49.81% of them were treated to live in the harsh, brutal, cruel parents. Some children were released hit 23% (mother hit 6 times); be stepmother, stepfather captured 20.3%.

Domestic violence leave many serious consequences to society and family. The abolition of domestic violence is not the responsibility of anyone that requires the cooperation of all levels and sectors of social and political organizations and countries in the prevention of domestic violence.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Orphanage Visit

First of all I really thank Mr Swanson, the conditions you yourself can participate in their work and thus realized this: you can do something to help anyone then do do not be over controlling. It was a happy, so happy people still feel useful to the world.

Her say this because frankly this is my own experience. Before seeing his miserable life scenarios laments just know that when I also mourn shared with them. But to help a particular way as the work of the last trip, I had not. I've been thinking that he is not qualified to do charity work for longer tripped two things: time and money. I always make time for work, never dare to stay close game two weeks for fear of their students will leave and loss of revenue, and money earned from such training, the penetration in to the work friendly. And I thought if any help is help for you, your children before, really, I can not afford to help them out, how can help the foreigners. Now I realized that it was a new one to think deeply and are not local, if we continue to spread your heart will also have others help you so your children.

Also thank her very dear friend of our two schools themselves. This really is truly a rare opportunity for the two side by side along the direction of Binh Dinh loved. It's a gentle fellow solidarity and consensus for the poor and overripe origin. Especially when the students sang little applause, "Four the sun together on this one, undivided voice laughter. The same holds my hand the affections, give each other what traders love ... "They gave remembers fondly his time in school and from the meaning song they gave her a profound lesson about human type, I was clapping and laughing loudly sing with the children that tears pouring emotion!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Energy and Environment

You never know energy is generated? This single solution is transformed from one form to another form, except atomic energy and geothermal heat (generated by the radiation in the earth), all types of energy from coal and oil, natural gas etc ... are derived from solar power.

Energy and Environment

Energy and Environment
Energy is the largest operating costs in many areas and ranks second in the table the cost of each hotel, resort. The challenge is how to balance the desire for safety and convenience of guests, the demand for efficient and reliable management's desire to increase profits of investors, the desire of customers shopping at base business social responsibility, the mandatory requirements of the local environment.
The world is becoming increasingly polluted and severe energy shortages caused inevitable pressure on energy and environment for our humanity. We are always looking for solutions to green technology, energy saving devices to help customers contribute to increase their competitive advantage and sustainable environmental protection.

Our solutions include:
- Heat pump system
- System solar irrigation pump
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Friday, January 30, 2015

Near Earth Objects

The near-Earth object (NEO for short), whether asteroids or comets, can become a disaster for humanity if blueberries straight into our planet. This concern is growing after NASA statistics about 50 million NEO headed to Earth every day, thanks to the development of increasingly more modern. Experts predict more than 100 years, many large NEO will threaten the earth, the most famous is the "teenagers" Apophis.
Don Quijote mission.

The task of NEOShield is very detailed analysis of potential projects can be applied in case a threatening NEO earth. First, Don Quijote mission, which deployed two spacecraft at the same time, a ship (called Hidalgo) crashed into the target asteroid, the remaining ships (name Sancho) flying around to collect data data to determine whether there last collision deflect asteroids or not. It is not clear what changes to the plan or not, but certainly before being implemented as intended in 2015, NEOShield to make many parameters related to Don Quijote project, such as the surface of the asteroid targets; it is composed of gas and solid according to Professor Harris.

Besides, in recent years, experts began to think of the idea that gravity affects the routes of NEO. This concept involves the use of a spacecraft edge NEO without physical contact with it, and use gravity to intervene in the NEO's orbit. This is a difficult mission, because the shapes of asteroids is not stable and continuous rotation while on the move. The bottom line is that the experts have to find a way to maintain regular contact with a non-self-propelled boat in about 10 years or more. Forcing this spacecraft gravitational effect NEO continuously to pull out the initial direction to avoid the prospect shattered when it collided with NEO.

The last measure is controversial shot straight atomic bomb and destroy the other NEO discomfort. Controversial talk to deploy nuclear weapons can harm the diplomatic relations complex on the world stage. However, some scientists believe that this is worth studying because it may be the most effective measures in case of an NEO oversized suddenly come to earth. Website quoted experts Harris explained if an asteroid with a diameter of more than 500 m and are forewarned within 5 years, measures the atomic bomb attack may be the only approach. Russian experts are currently responsible for analyzing the physical aspect of the possibility an asteroid might react to a nuclear explosion on the surface of it. Of course, Professor Harris emphasized that scientists themselves are not advocating for the tests of nuclear weapons in space and not taking advantage of this research to develop atomic weapons.

The ultimate goal of NEOShield use the knowledge gained to make the design the most effective shield to protect the earth when necessary, such as motivation measures combined with gravity. Accordingly, spacecraft observations (ie Sancho) was deployed in the Don Quijote mission will be reused as gravity spacecraft after the collision between the spacecraft and NEO suicide was successful. In addition, there is NEOShield task set a precise tool to assist in planning the global response to the involvement of partners such as the UN, the space agency in the world and the institutional concerned.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

US racist or not?

America is the country attaches great importance to talent. Examples of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, singer CoCo Lee, or rugby players Vietnamese Americans Dat Nguyen ... the list on US soil is little salt in the tank between the world more than 100 million people. Sender: honganh Send to: Board World Title: Some thoughts! No one would deny the talent and dedication of the employees of these people. Where talent is cherished, respected regardless of who he is Asia, Europe or Africa. The old engine we have a saying: "now is the nation's natural gas."
 Americans have the preponderance of scientific technology and capital, they understand better than anyone else this attraction, with "pragmatism use "they are doing their best to maximize this utility. how? that America has been and will continue in various ways to attract talent from all over the world to the domain this promised land. anyone arriving America for a reason that is bringing hope to find their dream here. There is a problem is, not all immigrants to the US are talented and is genius. They came to America with many different reasons: refugees, migrants and their families, the study then seeks to stay, or the scientist can not afford to develop their talents at home him ... "9 10 reviews" a thousand people with a thousand different reasons. Take for example: an ordinary people from a certain country in Africa or Asia (for one reason or objective or subjective to live in the US) have health, labor skill level with the US nationals, whether Americans can accept immediately hired him and paid him with a salary equal to the American people? If there are fewer cases. Because whether they agree hire him, but he will only pay for lower wages than they would pay wages for the American people or they will exploit the labor of his more sophisticated than what they paid for him. He will take more time, more effort to assert themselves in a strange country like America. Even the final results may not be always achieved. United States of any country is multi-ethnic culture, multiculturalism. But lurking behind the curtain multicultural still exist discrimination, racism. It can be overt or concealed a subtle and discreet, but not at immigrants living in the United States to understand how it !?